Hello friends, lately I know  I've been delating my posts, sorry because I was finding it hard to squeeze some time for blogging out of my tight schedule... This was something I made last week, and was trying to post this recipe, but as my home was filled with guests this weekend, I got busy with cleaning and outing. This is a very simple recipe made with boneless chicken assembled on skewers and needs to be grilled in the oven. But you can also cook this chicken without wooden skewers on a normal frying pan or skew the chicken on wooden skewers and fry them until all sides are well cooked... I cooked the chicken in oven for approximately 20 minutes, but as I was not happy with its appearance, to burn it a little on outside, I fried them lightly on a frying pan. Its all upto you how want them to be cooked and how you want it, weather on skewers or separate pieces etc. I like it on skewers  as it, attracts, most of the time, the guests and kids....
Now to the recipe,
  • boneless chicken - 400 gm, cut into cubes
  • tomato- flesh scooped out- 2 cut into squares
  • bell pepper-1 cut into squares
  • onion - 1 cut into squares
  • chilli powder- 2 tsp
  • turmeric powder- 1l4 tsp
  • garam masala powder- 1 tsp
  • chicken tikka masala- 1 tsp(optional)
  • hung curd- 2tsp(refer below on how to make hung curd)
  • ginger- garlic paste- 1 1/2 tsp
  • salt
  • coconut oil- 2 tbsp.
Soak the 7 wooden skewers in water for about 6 hours. Wash the chicken pieces, drain off the excess water in a strainer for about an hour and pat dry with a cloth. Now marinate the chicken pieces and veggies in the above ingredients except oil for about 2 hours.
Now assemble chicken pieces and veggies alternatively on wooden skewers. Arrange them on a baking tray, drizzle oil on top and cook for about 20 minutes in a preheated oven at 180 C, turning sides in every 5 minutes. Don't keep for more time as the chicken can get dry. If you want to have it little burnt outside you can have them fried lightly on a frying pan for few minutes after taking it out of the oven. If you are directly cooking the chicken on pan, weather with skewers or not, cook the chicken covered in hot oil on medium flame.
Serve with hot chappatis or naans, kuboos and hummus.
How to prepare hung curd:
Tie some curd in a muslin cloth and keep them in a strainer and place it on top of a bowl so that water falls into the bowl and do not touch the strainer and cloth... keep this till all the water is removed from the curd i.e for about 1-2 hrs. Now you can use it in desirable amounts.
This post is linked to Foodabulous fest event organized by SIMPLY TADKA hosted by Sajina Bishar of Sajus taste


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